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Cascades Chiropractic Treatment Plan

Learn about our customized treatment plans designed to address your specific health needs through a comprehensive three-phase chiropractic care approach.

Phase 1: Relief Care

In this initial phase, the main goal is to reduce pain and symptoms, often requiring frequent visits, to address underlying conditions not immediately apparent.

Phase 2: Corrective Care

This phase focuses on continued treatment to prevent the recurrence of symptoms, incorporating less frequent adjustments and introducing exercises for long-term healing.

Phase 3: Wellness Care

Routine chiropractic care during this phase helps maintain optimal health, preventing physical problems from returning and supporting a lifestyle free from common aches and pains.

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A Closer Look at The 3 Phase Treatment Plan

By following our 3-phase treatment plan, you can achieve comprehensive care that addresses immediate pain relief, supports corrective measures, and promotes long-term wellness. Schedule an appointment or contact our office to learn more about how we can help you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.

Phase 1: Relief Care

Why Relief Care?

Many people go to a chiropractor because they are in pain. In this first phase of care, the main goal is to reduce your symptoms. Sometimes this will require daily visits, or two to three visits per week for a time.

Understanding Pain

Most people are under the assumption that if they don't feel any pain, there is nothing wrong with them - that they are healthy. Unfortunately, pain is a very poor indicator of health. In fact, pain and other symptoms frequently only appear after a disease or other condition has become advanced.

Checking Up On Health

For example, consider a cavity in your tooth. Does it hurt when it first develops or only after it has become serious? How about heart disease? Regardless of whether you are talking about cancer, heart disease, diabetes, stress, or problems with the spine, pain is usually the last thing to appear. When you begin chiropractic care, pain is also the first symptom to disappear, even though much of the underlying condition remains.

Phase 2: Corrective Care

Beyond Pain Relief

Most chiropractors regard the elimination of symptoms as the easiest part of a person's care. If all that the chiropractor does is reduce the pain and stop there, the chances of the condition recurring are much greater. In order to prevent a rapid recurrence of symptoms, it is necessary to continue receiving care even though your symptoms are gone.

Treatment During Corrective Care

During the correction/restorative phase of your care, you will not have to receive adjustments as often as you did during the first phase of care. Depending on your particular circumstances, you may begin doing exercises and stretches either at the center or at home to help accelerate your healing.

Expectations and Duration

Do not be discouraged if you have mild flare-ups in your symptoms on occasion. This is normal. Flare-ups are bound to occur during this phase because your body has not fully healed. Depending on the severity of your injury or condition and how long you have been suffering from it, this phase of your care may last anywhere from a few months to a couple of years.

Phase 3: Wellness Care

Sustaining Health

Once your body has fully healed, routine chiropractic care can help ensure that your physical problems do not return and keep your body in optimal condition. Just like continuing an exercise program and eating well to sustain the benefits of exercise and proper diet, it is necessary to continue chiropractic care to ensure the health of your musculoskeletal system

Benefits of Regular Chiropractic Care 

When you make routine chiropractic care a part of your lifestyle, you avoid many of the aches and pains that so many people suffer through. Your joints will last longer, and you will be able to engage in more of the activities you love.

Incorporating Chiropractic into Lifestyle 

At Cascades Chiropractic, we're convinced that a small amount of your time and money to care for your most important asset—your health—will be far less time-consuming and expensive than trying to recover it. If you feel you do not have enough time or money to take care of yourself, please contact us—we can help! We encourage you to take your health very seriously, as the old saying goes, "If you don't have your health, you don't have anything."

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New Patient Center

Our New Patient Center provides all the information and resources you need to get started with your chiropractic care at Cascades Chiropractic.

Chiropractic Services

Discover the comprehensive range of chiropractic services and techniques we offer at Cascades Chiropractic to help you achieve optimal health and wellness.

Community Health Tips

Explore our collection of blogs and articles featuring valuable tips and insights for achieving and maintaining better health within our community.

Cascades Chiropractic Resources

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